ACUSTRIP 1550 3-Way Long Life or Conventional Coolants
The ACUSTRIP 1550 series of test strips provides exceptional quality and value in the measurement of all types and colors of automotive coolant for freeze point and boil over as well as corrosion protection. These strips measure freeze point and RA when used to test conventional coolant. Or, they measure freeze point and pH when used to test extended life coolant. The ACU1550 series is suitable for testing all antifreeze coolants for pH, Concentration (Freeze/boil point), and RA (reserve alkalinity). The specific ranges are as follows:
- RA < 3 - 10 +
- pH < 5 - 13
- Glycol 0 - 100%
The instructions are optimized for fluids of all colors. The 15501 (seed packet) is conveniently packaged in foils.
The ACUSTRIP 62070 Special Combo tests both antifreeze coolant and brake fluid. The combo consists of one bottle of 1550 series test strips and one bottle of 61070 series test strips (70 tests each) for a special combo price. Customers like that the Brake Test strips do not expire and the Antifreeze Coolant test strips, when stored as recommended, have a 3 year shelf life. The combo also contains 70 customer care cards.
Please Note: Always use the instructions and color charts packaged with the product. Do not rely on your computer screen or printer to accurately render colors from charts provided online.